Individual weekend camping ticket


2461 in stock

The Individual weekend camping ticket grants access to the New Earth Festival for:

  • 1 Adult

Access is for the weekend of 30th August to 1st September 2024

2461 in stock



Start Date: 30th August 2024
End Date: 1st September 2024

New Earth Tribal Gathering is Ireland’s independent Arts & Music event. A grassroots movement run by conscious artists & visionaries, building the New Earth we wish to create for our children, & the 7 generations ahead. A community Tribe of conscious Starseeds, Light beings, healers, Yogies, artists, & musicians, who share a vision of a utopian better world.

At New Earth, we believe that Mother Nature provides everything we need to live abundantly, & consciously, with care for all living beings & animals.

A conscious gathering of Tribes, who are on the Ascension journey to 5D & beyond.

Are you ready to step into a brave new world, & build New Earth?

If yes, then continue… find your Tribe.


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