New Earth Healing Gardens

New Earth Wellness Sanctuary Welcomes;
Edel Johnson; Yogini @yourspaceyogaysy

Four years ago, Edel decided to leave the toxic world of Beauty Therapy and follow a long time dream of becoming a Yoga and Meditation Facilitator, this opened me up to be even more curious about how our bodies move and our ability to heal ourselves from many ailments,  through Movement, Breathwork, Intention and whole nutritious foods. Of course regulating our nervous system and reducing stress as well.
Over the last 20 or so years, she has also trained in many Holistic Therapies – Holistic Massage, Lymphatic drainage massage, Indian head massage and Hopi ear candling. Which also contribute to our health and wellbeing.
At the moment Edel is studying Horticulture with a view of one day growing her own Organic fruit and vegetables, living off-grid, @ New Earth, & offering yoga retreats serving wholesome food, as part of this movement.

Edel is also Offering Gentle Morning Embodied Hatha yoga class – which helps you to experience yourself in the moment, making you more attuned and gently allowing you to feel, experience and trust in what your body is telling you. Rather than the perfect pose being the goal! Breathwork for resetting the nervous system and meditation practice to allow us to quiet the mind, gain clarity and much more…
Om Shanti

New Earth Wellness Sanctuary Welcomes;
Ursula Schloer

Take a foraging walk, with Urelsa, around the 30+ acres New Earth site, & connect with Mother Nature. Learn about foraging edible plants, & natures natural plant medicine, in this hands on interactive wellness workshop.

New Earth Healing Gardens Welcomes;
Ryan David; w/ plant medicine ceremony

“My name is Ryan David,
I have been on a deep intense journey over the past two and a half years working with a multitude of plants across various parts of the world. On this path of intense purification and rapid accension of the human instrument, I discovered access to ancient esoteric wisdom and gifts within that lies deep withing the human instrument.
The guidance was to bring this wisdom and healing of the human instrument to the collective.
I work with Unifying vibration sounds and also make use of Rapeh, Mapacho and Psilocybin in sacred ceremonies where I guide individuals to move through layers of consciousness, attuning the human instrument to higher vibrational frequencies as we move out of the denser layers of the past.

My service and passion in this life is to re-establish the connection with the Divine frequency that we all carry within, to help individuals to remember that separation was never part of our human design or experience in this world. “
Booking essential for ceremonies; limited spaces.

New Earth Truth Speaker:
Jayne Brogan on ‘The Sovereign way of mankind’

‘Jane has been active in her local community in North Yorkshire, UK, for nearly 10 years, working towards developing alternative solutions outside of the mainstream construct.

She was part of the anti-fracking campaign and End Austerity movement in North Yorkshire

Locally she developed a moneyless exchange and skill share group, hosting regular free markets and an annual free festival

She completed her Permaculture Design Certification in 2009, and is currently undertaking her Permaculture Diploma. She promotes permaculture and self reliance via social media platforms, under the name Brighids Garden. Although this has been on hiatus for the past few years to focus on in person local community activities

She received a first class degree in Clinical Herbalism in 2022
and is a graduate of Law for Mankind, where she gained knowledge of The Law and how to be free from the legal construct.

During Covid Jane together with her husband Chris, facilitated a local support group, networking with other similar groups to focus on moving forward with local and personal solutions. This includes alternative trading strategies, self reliance workshops, natural remedies and alternative healing modalities, emotional health, growing and foraging food and medicines and in person support gatherings They established a local guerrilla garden, growing food and medicine on disused land nearby and, using knowledge of The Law, successfully challenged an attempt by the local council to undermine this.

Jane offers private health consultations and support. Meet her @ New Earth 30 Aug – 01 Sept ‘24.

Book tickets online;

Shakti Ji • 

New Earth Visionary/Mother/  Artist / Co- Creator

• Shakti has traveled the world, spreading the message of Truth, Sovereignty, CommUnity & Love. A nomadic at heart, with a Gypsy soul, Shakti left the standard Matrix way of life, on a search to find answers & deeper meaning to life, travelling the world in dept, across 35+ countries.

Studying holistic alternative therapies, & in a Yoga , & Meditation discipline for over 25+ years, Shakti had sat in sacred ceremonies, with Tribal & Spiritual communities Worldwide.

Having worked in Orphanages, & schools in India with disadvantaged children, Shakti found art & music therapeutic, sharing the medicine of creativity as an art teacher, in the deserts of Rajastan, to Southern Salem, in North & South India, where the name Shakti Ji was given. An Irish artist, & visionary, Shakti received guidance in meditation states of higher consciousness, to create awareness of current affairs, & insites to create a uncensored platform for independent artists, & healers, & to find farms to grow food with ambitions to achieve ‘Food Freedom’, & to gather, & Unite the Tribes, in preparation for the encoring collapse of society, endeavouring to building a parallel alternative network, for Co creation.

This project began in the Indian Himalayas, initially called ‘Space Connection’, in 2011; & took an evolutionary leap into the fifth dimension, birthing ‘New Earth’ in 2021.

ShaktiJi  is a psychic channel, offering  Lightcoded sound healing medicine, escatic dance, w/ Fire & Cacao Ceremony.

New Earth Sovereign Collective;
Resident Bard; Ed Durand

Ed is an Irish bard who has discovered the power of poetry and sacred songs in nature and has shared them for over a decade. He will be offering a Poetree Walk, reading poems about trees in the woods. You are welcome to share your favourite tree poem as well. Ed is the author of two books of poetry. He will also be sharing Sacred Songs from Around the World where we will sing together sacred songs, chants and kirtans in sacred space. He will also be reciting his poetry accompanied with Handpan, by Micheál o Dálaig,
@ New Earth.

New Earth Wellness Sanctuary Welcomes;
An tSaoi:- A man who chose this Alias, so he may share truth without repercussion, censoring nor danger.

An tSaoi is a man who knew he didn’t fit in easily in the world. Accidentally discovering energy healing, through magnetic healing around the age of 11, and developing it in his teenage years, An tSaoi learned how to work with energy and how to heal. An tSaoi felt a natural pull to the healing side of things, where he eventually studied Reflexology and various massage styles. Later, An tSaoi went on to study counselling and psychology. Sound Healing found An tSaoi, where he developed various instruments, ranging from the Didgeridoo, Drum, Throat Singing and Overtone Singing and finally the Harp. An tSaoi then went on to study Shamanism, Druidry and the Celtic Medicine Wheel, walking the Shamanic and Druidic Path, in total for over 11 years, & is looking forward to sharing these gifts & wisdom @ New Earth Sovereign Gathering

New Earth Spoken Word;
Tyrone Warren, Poet.

Tyrone Warren was born in Dublin Ireland to an Irish Mother, & West Indian Father & sailed off at the age of 8 to London (England) for a better life.
A Catholic upbringing raised & schooled him until 17 when he left home with a burning curiosity. Where His time was spent working vartous jobs hustles ranging from organising illegal raves, on sile eraveyard security to running the distribution arm of a well respected independent dance label (Good Looking records), Falling into addiction & resulting in the inevitable to then pulling a 360° in turning his life
around. Culminating in relocating to Cornwall in early 2021 where he hit the floor running. Tyrone resides at the bottom of a hill. 5 mins from the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. surrounded by the Cornish countryside. Meet Tyrone @ NE24 🇮🇪