New Earth wellness sanctuary presents; Shakti Ji


Shakti Ji is the creator of Space Connection, & New Earth, alternative & conscious event creations, who collaborate with artists, musicians & workshop hosts.


An avid traveler, Shakti has wandered Planet Earth extensively, creating magical spaces & connecting communities worldwide. Shakti is a Yogi, an Shamaness, energy healer, hosting Cacao Ceremony, & Light language activation, a musician, an artist, & the catalyst for many alternative projects & ideas.


Shakti will offer Cacao Ceremony & Soundbath with Lightcodes activation @ New Earth.

Shakti offers loving guidance & empowerment, to step into our Power, & stay there. Acquire tools to feel grounded with Mother Earth, & connected to our Higher-selves.

Learn Sacred Mantras,& mindfulness, w/ breath work & meditation, for self healing, & ascension of higher Christ consciousness to 5D & beyond.