Dream River New Earth éiRe Music Festival 2023

Dream River is an international band formed in 2008 by Julita Jaroszuk and Dariusz Adamczyk, who decided to combine their love for the sung poetry.
Soon the band was joined by Łukasz Pietruch with percussion and instrumental support.

The band members are not afraid to experiment with sound, using various equipment – from purely electronic vibes to traditional folk instruments – also implementing unconventional elements in their work in order to achieve an interesting and unusual end result.
As a consequence, the band goes beyond pure sung poetry, implementing elements of rock, jazz, blues or folk genres.

The main message the band is trying to come across with is our connection with the soul based on our lyrics, music, various instruments.

New Earth is Ireland’s only grassroots, independent & conscious festival for 5 nights/5 days in a secret location in Ireland 24-28 August’23
Book tickets now www.newearth.ie

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