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New Earth Sovereign Community, is a skill sharing network; An Artist Collective, Organic farmers, & Holistic practitioners. @ New Earth, we gather, sharing skills & knowledge,  a practice of Bhakti Yoga;(Devotional selfless-service to God & others). New Earth is a sacred non alcoholic space, Mother Nature is welcome.

New Earth create conscious sovereign gatherings, offering music & workshops, echo market, vegetarian soul food, & conscious connections.

New Earth Sovereign Collective  are a group of full time artists, creators, & crew, & committed volunteers, who work together building New Earth. Manifesting a community collective,of skilled artists, traders, Organic Farmers, holistic lightworkers, & Co creators.
We meet in various locations, around Ireland, UK & Worldwide, creating magical events, Retreats, workshops, organic farming, creating Permaculture gardens, in as many spaces as possible, to move towards achieving food freedom, & a self sustainable way of living, in a working community.

New Earth HQ is our full time base, where we are currently building, & growing organic food, creating art & music, connected in our practice of meditation & yoga, as Guardian’s of this land.

New Earth set up communities everywhere we go, using the mediums of the Arts & Music, Culture & horticulture, to create meaningful experiences, encouraging community to come together, & share skills. New Earth offers opportunities to get involved in various activities, food growing, Workshops, Retreats  & music festivals.

Apply to join the community by filling out the contact form online.
This is the heart space you’ve been looking for, Welcome home.

New Earth is an independent project, with no sponsorship, to keep the movement growing, All funds raised, goes back into building New Earth. We source as much previously used equipment as possible, & rent what equipment we need.

Please support New Earth by making a donation…  exchange energy by collaboration, reach out, get in touch by filling out the contact form. New Earth have to date been offered the use of over 30+ farm of agricultural land, equipment, pollytunnels, etc, & for this, we give Thanks, & continue building New Earth, which started in level 5 lockdown, in 2021 Ireland. New Earth is our response to the Tyranny we are experiencing. We are taking action to live off grid. & be self sustainable.

Join our mailinglist, & subscribe to stay in the loop for future gatherings @ New Earth. Check out our community updates. To get involved, in growing a food forest, & building New Earth, email; or fill out the contact form.